Ohio Value Voters Opposes the Passage of Senate Bill 178


Contact the Ohio House to Oppose SB 178

Ohio Value Voters Opposes the Passage of Senate Bill 178
Ohio Value Voters is urging Ohioans to call members of the Ohio House Primary and Secondary Education Committee and urge them to vote NO on Senate Bill 178.Senate Bill 178, will overhaul education in the state of Ohio by giving oversight to the Governor.

There is no arguing the fact that the leadership of the State Board of Education has failed in many areas. After three months, the President of the State Board failed to cast the deciding vote to oppose the Biden administration’s proposed Title IX policies.

The Title IX policies will place biological boys in girls’ locker rooms, restrooms and showers. It will also permit biological boys to compete against girls in all sports. Board leadership has repeatedly proven to be dysfunctional and has gone a year without appointing a Superintendent.

Governor DeWine has been silent on the performance of the State Board of Education and has failed to support many educational and child protection bills over the past two years.

Joh Stover, President of Ohio Value Voters, states, “Senate Bill 178 was introduced and referred to the Senate Primary and Secondary Education Committee roughly eighteen months ago. Now, some legislators want to slam dunk this overhaul of education in Ohio without including adequate checks and balances before giving the Department of Education over to the Governor.

The education of Ohio’s children is of the utmost importance and it’s critically important that Ohioans have the opportunity to thoroughly review the 2,200 pages of this bill.”

Please call the following members of the Ohio House Primary and Secondary Education Committee and urge them to vote NO on Senate Bill 178. The vote is scheduled for Tuesday, December 13, 2022.  
Rep. Gail Manning – (614)-644-5076
Rep. Adam Bird – (614)-644-6034
Rep. Gary Click – (614)-466-1374
Rep. Sarah Fowler Arthur – (614)-466-1405
Rep. Don Jones – (614)-644-8728
Rep. J. Kyle Koehler – (614)-466-2038
Rep. Susan Manchester – (614)-466-6344
Rep. Kevin Miller – (614)-466-2500
Rep. Gayle Pavliga – (614)-466-2004
Rep. Tracy Richardson – (614)-466-8147

Thank you for your prayers and support.
Sincerely, John Stover, President
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