Ohio State Board Rejects Biden Title IX Changes

Christian Commentary on the Culture

Good News! OH State Board  Passes Resolution Rejecting Biden Title IX Changes

Finally! After three months of deliberation and public testimony, the Ohio State Board of Education finally passed a resolution that rejects the pro-homosexual, pro-gender confusion changes to Title IX federal law proposed by the Biden administration. The board will send a letter to Ohio school districts stating that these proposed changes are not, in fact, law. While the board does not have authority over locally-controlled districts, the board’s position will carry a great deal of weight and serve to clarify the misperception that exists in some districts that, for instance, it’s now permissible to counsel children about gender confusion without parent knowledge. 

The vote was 10-7 with one abstention. The board position informs districts that OH Attorney General Dave Yost has joined a lawsuit opposing the Biden plan to withhold federal lunch program funds from any school that does not uphold the Title IX changes, and under the current court injunction, the changes cannot be enforced at present. The Biden proposal also would force schools to allow biological boys to enter girls’ restrooms and play on girls’ sports teams.




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