Free Speech Zone

Computer Interface With Brains

“Anyone who thinks that brain-computer interface in the hands of technocrats, transhumanists, and the NIH will be used exclusively to help the disabled is simply not paying attention. It is a colossal bait and switch humanitarian hoax.”…Linda Goudsmit

Dangers of Disinformation Board

“Citizens who doubted the election was stolen; that Covid is a bioweapon; that the uniparty of the USA is a collaboration between globalists using the political system to further their planetary ambitions; that children are being indoctrinated, sexualized, and groomed for global citizenship; that the United States is under attack – to all of them I say, “If you cannot recognize the tyranny of a Disinformation Governance Board, you are a hopeless useful idiot and an indoctrinated soldier participating in the destruction of America.” Wake up America! The Biden regime is the enemy within.”…Linda Goudsmit