Ohio Counties

Vaccinations…..two sides of the story

A Lake County lobbyist has asked us to publish the following links to a story regarding vaccinations. From the Toledo Blade……”the sky is falling”…what are we to believe?? https://www.toledoblade.com/local/2015/02/22/Lucas-County-vaccine-rates-lowest-in-state.html *********************1776 From the website “Vaccine Impact”…… According to CDC Stats Measles… Read More ›

Lots of States Attacking Property Taxes

Thanks to Tom Niewulis for this article on the State of Texas willing to address their run-a-way increases in property taxes. https://www.chron.com/news/politics/texas/article/Governor-top-Texas-state-leaders-settle-on-13577279.php?utm_source=Cannonites&utm_campaign=40e54ff0e3-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2018_11_13_09_25_COPY_01&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_4733177261-40e54ff0e3-229721977&mc_cid=40e54ff0e3&mc_eid=f474314eab *********************1776 Thanks to our Kirtland lobbyist for other links on the schools and property taxes: First up is… Read More ›

Reversal of Property Taxes in Cincinnati…it shows it can be done

Thanks to a Portage lobbyist for the alert on this recent article regarding property taxes in the Cincinnati Enquirer. https://www.cincinnati.com/story/news/education/2016/01/07/indian-hill-school-district-has-give-back-tax-money/78370926/ It illustrates that we can make a difference, but the fight can be long and hard. *********************1776 Indian Hill school… Read More ›