
Wolves in Shepard’s Clothing

“Let those numbers sink in a bit. Only 41% of America’s senior pastors have a biblical worldview, and the numbers drop like a rock in water for the rest of the church staff. Associate pastors: 28%. Teaching pastors: 13%. Youth pastors: 12%. Executive pastors: 4%. And only 39% of all American pastors believe in the Bible’s definition of truth and morality.”

Is there room for Conservatives in the Ohio Republican Party?

“What happens when the leaders of a party move heaven and earth to unethically shove a candidate down the throats of their constituents? Do we as constituents ignore the immoral gamesmanship and manipulation and get behind the chosen candidate -or- do we teach our leaders a lesson and vote for the conservative candidate that more aligns with true Republican values?”…Niel Petersen

Abortion is Murder

“The fact that the supposed most brilliant legal minds in the world are split on whether or not an unborn human being has the right to live is almost beyond belief.”…Dave Daubenmire

Computer Interface With Brains

“Anyone who thinks that brain-computer interface in the hands of technocrats, transhumanists, and the NIH will be used exclusively to help the disabled is simply not paying attention. It is a colossal bait and switch humanitarian hoax.”…Linda Goudsmit

Dangers of Disinformation Board

“Citizens who doubted the election was stolen; that Covid is a bioweapon; that the uniparty of the USA is a collaboration between globalists using the political system to further their planetary ambitions; that children are being indoctrinated, sexualized, and groomed for global citizenship; that the United States is under attack – to all of them I say, “If you cannot recognize the tyranny of a Disinformation Governance Board, you are a hopeless useful idiot and an indoctrinated soldier participating in the destruction of America.” Wake up America! The Biden regime is the enemy within.”…Linda Goudsmit