Should We Abolish the Property Taxes?

By Brian Massie, A Watchman on the Wall

Leonard Gilbert and I are on a mission to educate Ohio citizens about the evils of property taxes. The following video was recording at the Lake County Liberty Coalition meeting held in Willoughby, Ohio on January 31, 2024. We would like to thank Timberlake Mayor John Marra and Mentor resident Kevin Gilbert for their technical expertise with the equipment setup in the meeting hall.

Property ownership is the foundation of our liberty.

Any tax that, if unpaid, causes a citizen to become homeless is immoral!

Here are the handouts that were provided to the meeting attendees:

  1. The Illusion of Home Ownership
    a. Summary of Lake County Property Tax Collection 2022 – 2023
    b. Housing Affordability Threshold Calculation
    c. Analysis of Lake County Seniors Exceeding HAT% (calculated prior to the 2024 estimated 30% property value increases)
    d. Bullet points for discussion
    e. Citizens’ Initiative To Eliminate Property Tax

2. The Bible and Property Tax by Pastor Matt Trewhella
A very powerful narrative by Pastor Trewhella refering to Biblical scripture to make the argument that the Property Taxes are unbiblical and an evil tax.

3. Impact of Sexennial Revaluation in 2024 on Municipalities, School Districts, and Taxpayers

4. State of Ohio revenue and expenditures for 2023.

Please take a look at the source of the majority of the State’s revenue $43.3 billion (50.67%) from the federal government)

The number one expenditure for the State of Ohio is $43.5 Billion (52.49%) for public assistance and Medicaid.

Leonard Gilbert and I are willing to speak to any group in Ohio that would like to be informed about the property taxes, and our initiative to abolish property taxes in the State of Ohio. All requests for a speaking engagement can be sent to the following email address:




Signups for the Lake and Geauga County Liberty Camp for the little “Time Travelers” can be done April 1st. The video below shows the campers in 2021 singing Len Greenwood’s song “God Bless the U.S.A.”.

Lake County – July 8 – 12  Lake Metroparks Hidden Lake 7024 Kniffen Road Painesville

Geauga County – July 22 – 26 Geauga Parks Chickagami Park 17957 Tavern Road, Burton

Registration opens April 1st, the cost remains at $50 per camper – grades 2 – 7

Volunteers needed for both camps –

    12 Young Patriots grades 8 through college age cost $20

    20 Adults (not teaching reenactors but in period clothing) cost $5 (to prevent site hacking)

All registrations must be made by June 1st and completed online

If possible could you put out a message that I am looking for a white male in the 30-40 age range who is fluid in French to reenact the Marquis de Lafayette?  

Thanks again for supporting us!!

Linda J. O’Brien

Founder/Director – Liberty Camp USA


Categories: Lake, Ohio Counties, Real Estate Taxes, Uncategorized

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