
All articles written by outside contributors

Hey Cleveland, Why Do You Hate Your Children?…part 2

When the schools don’t do a good job, parents and community leaders must step up their game. Oppose the bad stuff. When feasible, create alternatives. Millions of young Americans have been effectively kept from reaching their potential. This is a national scandal. Children don’t under-educate themselves. You need adults to do the dirty work.

Multiculturalism…another tactic to destroy the U.S.

Multiculturalism, like drugs, is an insidious weapon. Both destroy the heart and fabric of a people. All ties to family, community, and one’s people as a whole are destroyed by these two opiates of the human mind. Both are sponsored from the top down by one world elitists bent upon creating a world order who’s power is such that its subjects posses no potential for resistance.

Here is the scoop from Italy

This is cultural replacement, pure and simple. Some very powerful men in Bruxelles and the City of London (with a little help from their cohort in Vienna, Venice, the Hague, and Khmelnitskji) are using all of their power and pelf (ill-gotten gains) to break the Europeans’ spirit, in order to minimize their resistance to the Great Reset.