Free Speech Zone

The Free Exercise Thereof

If we are to secure this nation, at some point men and women are going to have to stand up to the blatant overreach of Government officials.   If we are to secure those “blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our posterity” we must stand up and push back NOW.

We Have Not Yet Begun to Fight!!

An end-time army of Christian soldiers is forming all around us.  After 60 years on the sidelines American Christians are rising to the challenge.  The greatest Christian revival in human history is at our doorstep.  Things are going to get ugly.  Things are going to get tough.  

CRT…no diversity of thought allowed

After World War II, a man named Richard Bernstein spread Critical Theory to many  elite Universities throughout the United States. And in the 1970’s, a black professor  at Harvard University named Derrick Bell morphed Critical Theory into Critical Race Theory 
to further push the Marxist ideology under a different framework.