
Common Core…designed to create failure?

(LFC Comments: Thanks to Auburntownship.org for passing along this article on Common Core.) *********************1776 //www.auburntownship.org/COMMENTARY2/2020_Jan_June_default.html#COMMON_CORE_IS_A_DESIGNED_ABJECT_FAILURE,_BUT_IS_VERY_SUCCESSFUL_IN_CREATING_FAILURE! COMMON CORE IS A DESIGNED ABJECT FAILURE, BUT IS VERY SUCCESSFUL IN CREATING FAILURE! Published Wednesday, January 8, 2020 By Joseph V. Mestnik | Liberty News… Read More ›

Gulen Schools & Islamic Domination

(LFC Comments:  Thanks to Donna Garner for helping expose this deception being played on American citizens.) “Gulen Schools and Islamic Domination in America” https://www.educationviews.org/gulen-schools-and-islamic-domination-in-america/ **COMMENTS FROM DONNA GARNER — Mark Hall produced an excellent documentary using his own money. He is an… Read More ›

Open Meetings Act Violations in Illinois

(LFC Comments: Wow, just got this article from a Lake County lobbyist.) https://www.takebackyourpower.net/entire-county-board-arrested-following-citizens-arrest-2-military-veterans/?fbclid=IwAR0cor2_wXzPGH0FNAOPasrVEZ7Bj0BgwK2cgBbcIXHEcgNVz2x8wmNLqQA Here are some excerpts: “Clark County, Illinois — Sometimes citizens can be so frustrated with county board members they wish someone could just place them under arrest…. Read More ›

Willoughby Hills Scandals…part 5

(LFC Comments: Thanks to our Willoughby Hills lobbyist for this very interesting story.  If you missed the other 4 parts, here are links to each one.) (1) https://lobbyistsforcitizens.com/2020/01/12/a-willoughby-hills-good-ol-boys-mystery/ (2) https://lobbyistsforcitizens.com/2020/01/14/willoughby-hills-scandals-watch-out-for-the-mud/ (3) https://lobbyistsforcitizens.com/2020/01/15/willoughby-hills-scandals-part-3/ (4) https://lobbyistsforcitizens.com/2020/01/16/willoughby-hills-scandals-part-4-pulling-back-the-curtain-some-more/ Who’s Dumping in Willoughby Hills? Part… Read More ›

Retiring in Style…the Holiday Inn way

(LFC Comments: Thanks to our Kirtland lobbyist for this article on alternative senior living.) https://gritpost.com/retiree-holiday-inn-senior-home/?fbclid=IwAR1aGg7P-zfCHBX5wr1gLEhLl9QPSqvstaJ2Vq_ocNe3Tu4rn91SqxaBv7g Some interesting excerpts: “…found out that when applying the senior discount he qualifies for, the Holiday Inn would cost less than $60 per day. The… Read More ›