Open Meetings Act…Ames has it wired

(LFC Comments: Thanks to the patriots at Auburntownship.org for this remarkable  article detailing the legal victories of Mr. Brian Ames, the amazing pro se litigant from Portage County.  Ames is making history and case law.) https://www.auburntownship.org/commentary/2019default.html#A_LOCAL_CHAMPION_OF_THE_OPEN_MEETINGS_ACT:_BRIAN_AMES_AND_THE_ELEVENTH_DISTRICT_COURT_OF_APPEALS_ A LOCAL CHAMPION OF… Read More ›

State of Ohio Upside Down…brother, can you spare a dime?

(LFC Comments: Thanks to a Kirtland Lobbyist for this article.) https://patch.com/ohio/mentor/s/gus99/ohio-gets-a-d-for-its-state-finances?utm_term=article-slot-1&utm_source=newsletter-daily&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=newsletter&fbclid=IwAR0yBTaCfwhYeA_3_un52vfpZVC13q65Ujbutc0A75lZcMx5R8UJaoaLn10 Ohio Gets A “D” For Its State Finances A new analysis reveals that Ohio’s state financial condition has improved slightly. By Truth in Accounting, News Partner Sep 24, 2019 5:48… Read More ›