LGBTQ and public schools…so what are your community standards?

(LFC Commetnts: Thanks to Donna Garner for this article on the LGBTQ issue.) 12.16.19 – MassResistance “New Hampshire MassResistance parents force school district to turn back horrible transgender policy” Fighting hard can overcome a stacked deck! https://www.educationviews.org/new-hampshire-mass-resistance-parents-get-results-turn-back-transgender-policy/ [COMMENTS FROM DONNA… Read More ›

People are starting to push back

(LFC Comments: Thanks to the patriots at Auburntownship.org for this outstanding, detailed recap of recent rulings on Ohio’s Open Meeting Act violations.) https://www.auburntownship.org/commentary/2019default.html#VIOLATIONS_OF_OHIO_SUNSHINE_LAWS_AND_OHIO_MEETINGS_ACT:_ANOTHER_LESSON_FOR_LOCAL_TOWNSHIP_ARROGANCE_AND_STUPIDITY__ VIOLATIONS OF OHIO SUNSHINE LAWS AND OHIO MEETINGS ACT: ANOTHER LESSON FOR LOCAL TOWNSHIP ARROGANCE AND STUPIDITY… Read More ›