Month: January 2020

Vouchers…Public vs Private Schools

(LFC Comments: Thanks to a  couple of lobbyists for sending us this article on school vouchers.) Some excerpts from the article: “Families across Ohio are anxiously waiting for word about who qualifies for EdChoice vouchers next year.” The cost… Read More ›

Drug Overdose Stats…heart-breaking deaths

(LFC Comments: The Center for Community Solutions provided this chart on drug overdose deaths.  Here is a link to their article: What about the drug deaths in Lake County? From the Coroner’s office: 2014  52 2015  49 2016  92… Read More ›

Common Core…designed to create failure?

(LFC Comments: Thanks to for passing along this article on Common Core.) *********************1776 //,_BUT_IS_VERY_SUCCESSFUL_IN_CREATING_FAILURE! COMMON CORE IS A DESIGNED ABJECT FAILURE, BUT IS VERY SUCCESSFUL IN CREATING FAILURE! Published Wednesday, January 8, 2020 By Joseph V. Mestnik | Liberty News… Read More ›

Gulen Schools & Islamic Domination

(LFC Comments:  Thanks to Donna Garner for helping expose this deception being played on American citizens.) “Gulen Schools and Islamic Domination in America” **COMMENTS FROM DONNA GARNER — Mark Hall produced an excellent documentary using his own money. He is an… Read More ›

EdChoice Program…you may not believe this

(LFC Comments: We were made aware of another assault on educational choices, and thought that you would like to know about it.   Looks like the teachers’ unions and the schools’ lobbyists are twisting some arms in the legislature.) Here… Read More ›

Open Meetings Act Violations in Illinois

(LFC Comments: Wow, just got this article from a Lake County lobbyist.) Here are some excerpts: “Clark County, Illinois — Sometimes citizens can be so frustrated with county board members they wish someone could just place them under arrest…. Read More ›

Willoughby Hills Scandals…part 5

(LFC Comments: Thanks to our Willoughby Hills lobbyist for this very interesting story.  If you missed the other 4 parts, here are links to each one.) (1) (2) (3) (4) Who’s Dumping in Willoughby Hills? Part… Read More ›