Free Speech Zone

Warning: Life With A Biden / Harris Administration Biden’s Authoritarian America By William DiPuccio September 26, 2020 The principle of limited government is at the heart of the American system.  The Founders believed that tyranny grows in proportion to power, threatening individual liberty.  History is littered with innumerable examples of… Read More ›

The Color Revolution Hoax

Color Revolutions are Not About Color by Linda GoudsmitSeptember 10, 2020 [LFC Comments: We salute Linda’s latest effort to educate Americans about what is really happening to our great country. We are at war, and is only going to… Read More ›

Systemic Sexualization of Children

[LFC Comments: We believe that when we destroy the family, babies and morality a society will collapse. California seems to be leading the way to the collapse. Mission America has a hard hitting article on the homosexuality issue.] *****… Read More ›