
Texas Experiencing Run-a-Way Property Taxes….

Thanks to our Geauga patriot, Tom Niewulis, and the ‘Tax Working Group’ for this revealing article about the escalating property taxes in the State of Texas. https://www.texaspolicy.com/anyone-believe-local-property-taxes-in-texas-should-rise-faster/?utm_source=Master+List+%28No+Press%29&utm_campaign=7dab7d5cca-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2018_08_15_05_57_COPY_01&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_abf7fb8be4-7dab7d5cca-230102141&mc_cid=7dab7d5cca&mc_eid=f474314eab Here is a sentence that sounds eerily similar to the statement made by… Read More ›

Vaccinations…..two sides of the story

A Lake County lobbyist has asked us to publish the following links to a story regarding vaccinations. From the Toledo Blade……”the sky is falling”…what are we to believe?? https://www.toledoblade.com/local/2015/02/22/Lucas-County-vaccine-rates-lowest-in-state.html *********************1776 From the website “Vaccine Impact”…… According to CDC Stats Measles… Read More ›

Lake Erie Bill of Rights…..LEBOR for short

Thanks to our  friends at Auburntownship.org for this article. www.auburntownship.org/commentary/2019default.html#THE_LAKE_ERIE_BILL_OF_RIGHTS_CHARTER_AMENDMENT_TARGETS_36_NORTHERN_OHIO_COUNTIES_FOR_LITIGATION_  THE LAKE ERIE BILL OF RIGHTS CHARTER AMENDMENT TARGETS 36 NORTHERN OHIO COUNTIES FOR LITIGATION  Published Wednesday, February 6, 2019 Mark your calendars, Northern Ohioans, for February 26. That is… Read More ›