
Leftists Revolution Coming…

[LFC Comments: Have you ever wondered what will happen starting November 4, 2020?] ***** https://www.lifesitenews.com/opinion/the-left-is-remaking-the-world-again-and-they-want-to-destroy-christian-civilization The ongoing leftist revolution is trying to destroy what’s left of Christian civilization This new revolution unites all liberal causes into one and makes them… Read More ›

State Lawmakers Develop Amnesia

[LFC Comments: Thanks to the patriots at Auburntownship.org for this article.] ***** https://www.auburntownship.org/COMMENTARY2/2020_July_Dec_default.html#MANY_WHO_ABETTED_LARRY_HOUSEHOLDER%E2%80%99S_MANIPULATIONS_HAVE_CONVENIENTLY_DEVELOPED_AMNESIA MANY WHO ABETTED LARRY HOUSEHOLDER’S MANIPULATIONS HAVE CONVENIENTLY DEVELOPED AMNESIA Published Sunday, August 2, 2020 By Thomas Suddes What an Ohioan sees seems to be what he… Read More ›

F.B.I. pays a visit to Householder

[LFC Comments: Thanks to a Kirtland lobbyist for this article from the Dayton News.  Looks like the F.B.I. is turning over every rock and Apple device.] ***** https://www.daytondailynews.com/news/federal-agents-search-ohio-house-looking-for-items-from-householder/YLFWEKR2PBAVFHCF7LMY4BYBZA/ Excerpts from the article: “The House GOP caucus issued the following statement:… Read More ›

How Revolutions Start…we are witness to it

‘This Is How Revolutions Start’: America’s Youth Acting Out on Decades of ‘Leftist Indoctrination’ 07-27-2020 Dale Hurd https://www1.cbn.com/cbnnews/us/2020/july/this-is-how-revolutions-start-americas-youth-acting-out-on-decades-of-leftist-indoctrination “If you have been shocked at the ongoing destruction of our cities by enraged young people, you shouldn’t be. This is a… Read More ›