
Congressional Benefits…update

This is an update to a previous article about our State Representative Dave Joyce and his pension benefits. Here is the previous article: https://lobbyistsforcitizens.com/2020/07/07/how-much-is-congressman-dave-joyces-pension-he-aint-talking/ We did receive a response on 7/9/20 from Mr. Ryan Kelly, a staff member at Rep…. Read More ›

COVID-19 Testing Results for Ohio

[LFC Comments:  Thanks to Lobbyist Jim for sending us the Department of Health website link.] Here is a link to the Ohio Department of Health’s website providing interesting statistics on the COVID-19 testing in Ohio. https://coronavirus.ohio.gov/wps/portal/gov/covid-19/dashboards/key-metrics/testing The chart compares the… Read More ›

Proper Flag Disposal

https://www.defense.gov/Explore/Features/Story/Article/2206946/how-to-properly-dispose-of-worn-out-us-flags/ Excerpt from the article: “Many Americans proudly fly the U.S. flag at their homes and places of work, but what do you do with it when it’s old and ratty and you’re ready for a new one? Don’t just… Read More ›

The Decline of a Nation

[LFC Comments:  A warning from the Anonymous One.] ***** “It’s A Matter Of Life…” Written by “Anonymous One” A  process of self-destruction is always reversible. But time is short. For several years, the decline has been accelerating. All civilizations that… Read More ›

A Mea Culpa by an Environmentalist

[LFC Comments: Thanks to We the People Convention for this very revealing article written by an lifelong environmental progressive.  He is basically apologizing for the lie known as “climate change”.] ***** https://wethepeopleconvention.org/articles/Climate-Scare-Junk-Science Excerpts from the article: Shellenberger: I feel an… Read More ›