Ohio Republican Party Continues to Fail the Average Citizen

“Ohio children deserve a clear, uncompromised abstinence message in their schools, along with the strong values- centered lessons that the Ohio sexual risk avoidance (abstinence) programs also deliver: knowledge about the option of adoption, responsible information about substance abuse, bullying, dating violence, human trafficking, etc.”…Linda Harvey

Child Traffickers and Woke Left Share Same Playbook…updated July 22

“I called them, ‘The pedophile network doctrines’,” he said. “They include things like: separate children from parents because parents are a bad influence, the state knows best; sexualize kids, let them see pornography; take God out of education because that just gets into the way; consent, consent, consent — children can consent to anything. At 12 years old they should be able to vote, they should be able to do anything.”…Tim Ballard