Ohio Counties

LCC…active shooter hoax…more debt..

Some scary times at Lakeland Community College…. https://fox8.com/2019/02/28/kirtland-police-active-shooter-threat-at-lakeland-community-college-not-credible/ Wonder what the new security measures will cost?  Could be significant if the trustees are contemplating more debt to pay for the measures.  Here is the Mr. Beverage’s note to the staff… Read More ›

Crime Lab Levy…..was it needed?

 Prior to the May, 2018 election, we visited the Crime Lab to see the facility, and to ask why they needed the increase in property taxes the Prosecutor was requesting.  Here is the article we wrote after our meeting: https://lobbyistsforcitizens.com/2018/02/01/crime-lab-4-mill-levy-on-the-may-2018-ballot-necessity-or-luxury/… Read More ›

LEBOR….constitutionality questioned

Thanks to our friends at Auburntownship.org for this article on a federal judge putting a hold on the recent legislation that impact Ohio farmers. https://www.auburntownship.org/news/2019default.html#FEDERAL_JUDGE_ISSUES_INJUNCTION_ON_LAKE_ERIE_BILL_OF_RIGHTS We will follow this issue since it will ultimately impact all Lake County residents.