
Voter Fraud

(LFC Comments:  Free and fair elections are paramount for our country to survive as a constitutional republic.  We found these articles on voter fraud to be very disturbing.) https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2020/05/21/doj-democrats-paid-pennsylvania-election-officials-to-stuff-ballot-box/?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_term=daily&utm_campaign=20200521 Excerpts from the article: “A  former Judge of Elections in Philadelphia,… Read More ›

DeWine Article Prompts a Response

(LFC Comments:  We received the following email about the DeWine article dealing with H.B. 166.  We thank the citizen for taking the time to write to us.) Original article link:  https://lobbyistsforcitizens.com/2020/05/18/what-did-dewine-know-in-2019/ *********************1776 Email from a concerned citizen: Thank you for… Read More ›