Face Masks…another hoax

Face Masks: The Radical Leftist Symbol of Submission by Linda Goudsmit June 26, 2020 http://goudsmit.pundicity.com/24330/face-masks-the-radical-leftist-symbol   Masks have been a part of societies for 9,000 years. The earliest masks were used for rituals and ceremonies. Later, they were used in… Read More ›

Geauga County Sheriff…gearing up

[LFC Comments:  Geauga County “gearing up” for violence moving into Geauga County.] Thanks to a Kirtland lobbyist for this Maple Leaf article. https://www.geaugamapleleaf.com/news/with-county-support-sheriff-seeks-riot-gear-for-show-of-force/?fbclid=IwAR3mVx16XT6HOGgA4fRGcazUa2Mw512izWy7KBlJKCZFatIpMPHF_GIPotE#.XvD4KG8umxY.facebook Excerpts from the article: “Geauga County Sheriff Scott Hildenbrand wants local law enforcement ready for a “show… Read More ›

Wickliffe’s New School…a Taj Mahal

[LFC Comments:  We thank a Wickliffe lobbyist for this article.) Here is a News-Herald article dated November 19, 2019 that discusses the passage of the Wickliffe School District property tax levy: https://www.news-herald.com/news/elections/wickliffe-schools-levy-bond-issue-approved-by-voters/article_dfbded24-0041-11ea-8598-7fcecec07574.html Excerpts from the article: “The $60 million bond… Read More ›

News-Herald got caught…with their facts down

[LFC Comments:  Whispering in Willoughby Hills…did you see the 180 degree turn by the News-Herald in their June 16th article about the Willoughby Hills lawsuit?  Careful, this kind of reporting can give you whiplash.] ***** https://www.news-herald.com/news/lake-county/willoughby-hills-residents-file-suit-to-remove-city-councilwoman-nancy-fellows-from-office/article_e3991320-ada1-11ea-bb40-5f2531bfc0f4.html Excerpts from the article… Read More ›