Community Activism

Ohio Protest and Rallies

(LFC Comments:  Kirsten Hill and the Free Ohio Now group are making concerned Ohio citizens aware of the protests and rallies being set up in Ohio.) *********************1776 Here is a link to their Facebook page: Ohio, April 28, 2020:… Read More ›

Open Meetings Act…Ames has it wired

(LFC Comments: Thanks to the patriots at for this remarkable  article detailing the legal victories of Mr. Brian Ames, the amazing pro se litigant from Portage County.  Ames is making history and case law.) A LOCAL CHAMPION OF… Read More ›

People are starting to push back

(LFC Comments: Thanks to the patriots at for this outstanding, detailed recap of recent rulings on Ohio’s Open Meeting Act violations.) VIOLATIONS OF OHIO SUNSHINE LAWS AND OHIO MEETINGS ACT: ANOTHER LESSON FOR LOCAL TOWNSHIP ARROGANCE AND STUPIDITY… Read More ›