One Reason Our Local Taxes Have Increased….we can thank the State of Ohio

Thanks to Lobbyist Ryan for this article on how Governor Kasich’s created a  $2.7 Billion cash surplus  in the State’s budget by reducing funds distributed to local governments. https://www.cleveland.com/opinion/index.ssf/2018/08/gov_kasich_should_share_ohios.html https://www.cleveland.com/open/index.ssf/2018/07/ohios_rainy_day_fund_grows_to.html (LFC Comment: It is now incumbent on taxpayers to ensure… Read More ›

A Paradigm Shift in Public Education is Needed….here is one idea

Thanks to Lobbyist Siobhan for letting us know about Gregg Lawson, of the Buckeye Institute, speaking out for universal school vouchers.  Here is a link to a web-site that details their ideas about Education Savings Accounts. http://theohiostar.com/2018/09/16/ohio-think-tank-recommends-politicians-end-education-by-zip-code-and-go-for-real-reform/ The State legislators… Read More ›