
Auditor’s Appointment….more inside baseball

You are probably aware of the appointment of Mr. Chris Galloway to the Auditor’s position.  Here is the News-Herald’s article on the Republican event. The News-Herald article did not really tell the full story behind the vote.  Under the… Read More ›

LCC…active shooter hoax…more debt..

Some scary times at Lakeland Community College…. Wonder what the new security measures will cost?  Could be significant if the trustees are contemplating more debt to pay for the measures.  Here is the Mr. Beverage’s note to the staff… Read More ›

Crime Lab Levy…..was it needed?

 Prior to the May, 2018 election, we visited the Crime Lab to see the facility, and to ask why they needed the increase in property taxes the Prosecutor was requesting.  Here is the article we wrote after our meeting:… Read More ›