
Brian Ames…community activist to speak at Auburn Career Center

We have re-printed this article with the permission of the patriots at Auburntownship.org. *********************1776 https://www.auburntownship.org/commentary/2019default.html#THE%20FIASCO%20SURROUNDING%20ATTORNEY%20NANCY%20SCHUSTER PORTAGE COUNTY COMMON PLEAS CASE 2017-CV00380: THE FIASCO SURROUNDING ATTORNEY NANCY SCHUSTER by Diane Jones Published Tuesday, April 19, 2019 Brian Ames of Portage County… Read More ›

Lake County Port Authority Doing Their Job….

We were reading an article by Cleveland.com dealing with the change in population from 2017 – 2018.  Lake County has experienced approximately .000626 (144 / 230,000) increase in population. https://expo.cleveland.com/news/g66l-2019/04/6d0312c650133/cuyahoga-countys-population-drop-9th-worst-in-the-us-last-year-new-census-estimates-say.html Well, Mr. Rantala, Executive Director, and “his” Board of Directors… Read More ›

Drones R Us…Coming soon to all Lake County fire departments.

Thanks to a Concord Lobbyists for this information.  The Lobbyist was worried about the cost and the absolute need for unmanned drones for firefighters. https://www.facebook.com/lcfca43/?__tn__=kCH-R&eid=ARChEsJC_YjHRyp8xgdg3P1u8IBwo3rkTEijiIyctMWwkalMTJC7HOBYAWWB6yCVmrOFm5MgVkr3XLC2&hc_ref=ARREAdj1eJz34DJ0LsWSrWnk6z9mH79svBe3a68dp7hNHo6NF3skxLnc1I_0OoLBhUY&fref=nf (LFC Comments:  At first blush this seems like great technology that could save lives.  However,… Read More ›

Bailout for Perry Nuclear Plant…increasing your HAT%

Thanks to our Kirtland lobbyist for this article. https://www.cleveland.com/politics/2019/04/ohio-lawmakers-prepare-bill-that-would-raise-electric-bills-to-rescue-nuclear-plants.html Here is an excerpt from the article: “A draft version of the bill, acquired by Energy News Network’sJohn Funk, would add monthly surcharges of $2.50 for every residential electricity customer, $20 for… Read More ›