In Support of ICE…contact Commissioners

Thanks to Lobbyist Arzella for this post: At the August 2nd  Lake County Commissioners meeting a resolution was introduced in support of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). Resolution pages 9 -10 https://www.lakecountyohio.gov/Portals/4/08022018%20Draft%20Agenda%20%26%20Resolutions.pdf If you support ICE and want this resolution to… Read More ›

NOACA…What is it?

The initials NOACA means the Northeast Ohio Areawide Coordinating Agency.  Here is a link to their website:  http://www.noaca.org/ There was a meeting in Chardon on Thursday so that NOACA could hear from Geauga residents. Our friends from Auburntownship.org were there and… Read More ›