
JUST SAY NO!…applies to all counties

Here is a timely article from the patriots at Auburntownship.org. https://www.auburntownship.org/commentary/2019default.html#GEAUGA_COUNTY_SENIOR_CITIZENS_FACING_HIGHER_TAXES_AND_LIVING_COSTS,_JUST_SAY_NO_WHEN_YOU_VOTE_ON_NOVEMBER_5_ GEAUGA COUNTY SENIOR CITIZENS FACING HIGHER TAXES AND LIVING COSTS, JUST SAY NO WHEN YOU VOTE ON NOVEMBER 5 Published Saturday, November 2, 2019 For all the information in… Read More ›

Status of Women…just the facts

Thanks to the Center for Community Solutions for these revealing facts about the status of women in Ohio.  Here is a link to their page.  You can do a search on all 88 counties in Ohio. https://www.communitysolutions.com/resources/community-fact-sheets/status-ohios-women-county/?utm_source=The+Center+for+Community+Solutions&utm_campaign=6af73b00ce-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2018_11_16_03_57_COPY_01&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_88ef015d1a-6af73b00ce-41186625&mc_cid=6af73b00ce&mc_eid=8d430e97ba We have done… Read More ›