Mea Culpa….we are falling on our sword

This is a follow up to our previous post on Concord Township’s Budget: https://lobbyistsforcitizens.com/2019/05/14/concord-townships-budget-by-the-numbers/ There was some “feedback” from Andy Rose, Concord Township’s administrator.  Andy got his ‘knickers in a bunch’ because of a statement we made, and asked if… Read More ›

HB 6….Who Understands this Issue?

A big tip of the hat to Diane Jones of Auburntownship.org for this excellent summary of the meeting held last night at the Auburn Career Center hosted by Tom Hach, and his Tax Working Group. https://www.auburntownship.org/commentary/2019default.html#LAKE_COUNTY_LIBERTY_COALITION_HOLDS_DISCUSSION_OF_HOUSE_BILL_6_ We can honestly say… Read More ›

Reminder – Vote Tomorrow

we have heard that the early voter turnout has been very light. Please remember to vote tomorrow.  There are tax levies on the ballot that you need to consider.  Here is an article that we wrote some time ago. https://lobbyistsforcitizens.com/2019/02/22/may-2019-ballot-property-tax-issues-so-when-does-it-end/… Read More ›

Perhaps we have not been clear….can you hear us now?

Wow…..and the hits just keep on coming…..thanks again to our Kirtland lobbyist for this information….this is right down the ‘pike’….. https://www.fox19.com/2019/01/03/pike-county-state-audit-uncovers-k-undocumented-spending-by-convention-bureau-chief/   To the Lake County “movers and shakers” we say: “Can you hear us now?”  The “feasance triplets” may… Read More ›